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About Exxaro
Our material matters

Our material matters guide our integrated reporting process, which is driven in turn by strategic and integrated thinking that enables sustainable value creation and preservation. These matters help us manage our risks and opportunities, and guide our commitment to our stakeholders. We determine these material matters through a detailed materiality determination process.


The purpose of our materiality determination process is to give our stakeholders insight into the matters that may affect our ability to create and preserve value over time.

Materiality determination process
NB: Click the circled numbers on the block below to view further information

Assess against
global reporting

Material matters for reporting purposes

Prioritising of identified matters by executives and those charged with governance

Internal interviews and interviews with board members

Review of internal documentation including risk register

Critical assessment of stakeholder reports

Analysis of external sources such as media reports and articles

Review of material matters included in the integrated and annual reports issued by peers

Materiality determination process


Critical assessment of stakeholder reports


Analysis of external sources such as media reports and articles


Review of material matters included in the integrated and annual reports issued by peers


Review of internal documentation including risk register


Internal interviews and interviews with board members


Prioritising of identified matters by executives and those charged with governance


Material issues for reporting purposes

About Exxaro
Strategic performance dashboard

Our key performance indicators (KPIs) are reflected in this strategic performance dashboard.

Exxaro’s board and executive committee monitors the dashboard quarterly to ensure we remain within our sustainability risk appetite and realise our strategic objectives.

Our approach ensures that strategy management is integrated with:

  • A sustainability framework
  • An integrated risk management framework including clearly defined material matters
  • KPIs aligned with material matters, risks and our sustainability framework (each measured against our board-approved tolerance level)
  • Connected combined assurance, risks, material matters and KPIs

About Exxaro
Stakeholder management

In support of Exxaro’s purpose of powering better lives in Africa and beyond, we continue to work towards improving the quality of our relationships with stakeholders. We aim to build long-term, stable and trusting relationships that facilitate business activities and create shared value for all our stakeholders.


We take a holistic approach to stakeholder engagement, believing that we are a participant in an interconnected network. As such, we view stakeholders in terms of our stakeholder universe framework, which includes stakeholders who have a material influence or have a high potential of forming part of a network of influence on the execution of the stakeholder excellence agenda. These stakeholders can be grouped into four main clusters including government (regulators), communities, value chain participants and the business community.